Lund Water Taxi and Savary Land Taxi Rates - Click Here
Q: Do I need to make reservations?
A: Absolutely!! Phone (604) 483-9749
Q: Do you take dogs?
A: Yes, we take dogs (well behaved ones) they're free!
Q: Is the tide this low on the other side?
A: Yes, unfortunately.
Q: How long does it take from Vancouver to Lund?
A: Approx. 5 hours if you make all the right ferry connections. It is approx a 1 hour drive from Saltery Bay to Lund,half an hour from Powell River to Lund.
Q: How long is the crossing from Lund to Savary?
A: Approx 15 minutes.
Q: What are the rates and schedules for Lund Water and Land Taxi Service?
A: For Lund Water Taxi and Land Taxi Rates and Schedules - Click Here
Q:Where do you park in Lund?
A: Lund Parking at the top of the hill. (604) 483-3667
Buy Lund Water Taxi commuter cards and save a dollar every trip.
Make sure you look at BC Ferry Schedules and tide guides before you call to make your reservation. Any tide that is below 6' you will find the ramps quite steep!
Thank you from the Crew at Lund Water Taxi (and Land Taxi)!